Joy and

When you are fulfilled all suffering ends, then you experience what you are as Pure Presence of joy. Joy is the essential nature of everything that presents itself; joy is this unique thing in the core, in the heart, behind every appearance.

Marcos Gualberto


In India they call as Ananda, which is a Sanskrit word for Happiness – a causeless, non-dependent, non-circumstantial joy. It is a joy that cannot be stolen, taken from you, since you are that joy. It is not what you feel, it is what You Are. The nature of this Joy is Ananda, Happiness, Beatitude.

Marcos Gualberto

Let's go over this: Let's go over this:


Joy is the classic sign of Freedom! However, be joyful does not mean smiling all the time. Real Joy is silent. It shares the Presence but silently. It says, “I am here,” but with no apparent excitement. It is invisible and says, “I am here, if you can see me, okay! If you cannot see me, that’s fine too!” Few people can see it, many others…

Thought does not produce physical pain, but rather psychological pain, which is suffering. This is what the “sense of person” carries. Physical pain can be treated, while psychological pain, suffering, is endless, is linked to the mind’s nature. In fact, the right thing to say here is that the mind will never stop…

It would be an interesting experiment if you could write down your internal states on a blank sheet of paper. By doing this experiment, you will discover how much your sadness is linked to the disappointments of this entity you believe you are since you have done something wrong in the past…

The indescribable
Ocean of Full Happiness
The whole idea of positivism is a very childish thing. Seeking self-help is quite typical of the mind, on its ingenuity, fantasy, and imagination. The nature of the mind is always duality, and, if something is on your side, it can also be against you. It is a coin with two sides, and that is called “egoic mind.” There will never be good without evil, justice…

The nature of the Self is pure sanity, and sanity is holiness. So, let it be clear: it is necessary to abandon all illusion. The illusion of separateness is the cause of all misery, of all suffering in the world. Misery and suffering are not the nature of the Self. So, holiness or sanity, which is the nature of Consciousness, the nature of the Self…


This “sense of person” is an illusion. So, the basis of suffering is the illusion of the “person.” If we are working towards the end of suffering in ourselves, we need to find out the Truth about who we are, who we are, who “I” am. Once I realize that this “me” is a set of images, a set of memories, something based on a self-image, an image engendered by thought…

“The problem isn’t in objects”


If you are serious about the pursuit of Happiness, get rid of this false center. It is holding you under restrictions. You will not be happy being “someone.” There is only Happiness in Being! People have been mixing this up for thousands and thousands of years. In pursuit of Truth, they have discovered they are stuck to this…


Happiness is the State of Being. It is not a state the mind can attain, since everything the mind can obtain is still part of itself. Enjoying the real Happiness of Being, what we are, requires the mind to return to the Source, to leave its usual excitement. Generally, the mind is restless, full of thoughts, feelings…


It is not possible to dry up ice. It is not possible to be happy. Happiness is not something you achieve, you work for, work for and accomplish it. The more you look for it, the further you get away from it indeed. The “ice” is always in the outside and there is no way you can realize the Truth outside – what I meant as mind “reality”…
“It is possible to be free from suffering”
10/2010Rio de Janeiro
To be Happy is to find out who You are. There is nothing else to be achieved and, therefore, nothing else to be sought. Why do we travel so much and want to be in beautiful places? Why do we take so many pictures of these places and keep them with us to see them again? Beauty, wherever found, it manages to awaken in us the Truth of God that we bring and are…
I know it is very challenging hearing about the possibility of going beyond suffering, all mess that the human life is, with its several problems, dilemmas and conflicts. For the vast majority, the model is fear and desire, this chaotic mental state of deep disorder. Thus, the expression “I” is always linked to a confusing state of being, of facing life…
10/2010Rio de Janeiro
Nothing compares to What we are. Every human search for happiness and freedom, on these paths created by the thought, is just useless and unnecessary, because it is an escape from Reality. Not looking directly to Life as It is or as It presents itself to each one of us, is pointless and carries an enormous burden of pain and suffering. It makes us keep…
Nothingness is a complete emptying, where the “dream of existing” disappears. I am describing to you the indescribable, the egoless State; one of care, of action, of movement, of attention and totally free from fear. That is not like an inert and insensitive state of a stone, cold as an ice block; it is not like that. I repeat: the egoless State is the one of action, of attention, of care, of movement, but it is free from fear because there is no illusion. So, when you face a vicissitude, an adversity, a complex situation, you will be practical, agile, you will be on the move, you will handle the situation, but there will be no fear since there will be no illusion.

Come to meet Marcos on the online Satsang!

Marcos Gualberto offers 3-hours open (free) Satsang on Saturday mornings – please check the calendar for the dates. It is a great opportunity for a real encounter with yourself. You can join us through your computer, tablet or cell phone.