
During the presential Satsang, there is a connection, a contact and a direct work of the Grace with each person, that is the Master’s Presence.

Marcos Gualberto

🎵 …he just wanted to celebrate, he asked me to dance, he laughed at all my sins, he didn’t leave my side…
Whether in short events or in extended retreats, being in front of a Satguru means finally being able to rest. Through gentle eyes and words of pure intelligence and simplicity, and yet challenging, he brings us back to ourselves.
The Grace is inviting you
The proposal of a Realized Being has always been the same throughout the times: the illusion of the “person” must disappear in order for you to meet God, who is your own Being. In the words of Marcos Gualberto:
Those who have never heard it, will hear it for the first time, and those who have already heard it, it is never too much to hear again: you have only one thing to realize in this life, that is the truth of what you are, the Truth of your Real Nature: you are here to realize God. To do this, the present “person” must disappear.
In this contact with a Real Master, it is clear the “person” is only a set of thoughts and beliefs, and this is suffering. Thus, the invitation of a Realized Being is indeed an invitation to Real Happiness.
Satsang is basically Consciousness of Being
Satsang is to be aimless and purposeless, and that means “disarming”; it is “falling into the trap”. Indeed, what falls into this trap is just the belief that there was a “someone” prior to Satsang. In Satsang, it becomes clear that there never was a “someone”. There never was anyone, there never was a mind to be silenced. So, all these answers are not important, as the inquirer disappears.

Marcos Gualberto

Comfort and refreshment in the Ashram
Ramanashram is a space specially built for the contact with Marcos, allowing a deepening in self-investigation. Placed in the city of Gravatá, Pernambuco State, in the northeastern part of Brazil, it was designed to comfortably accommodate the participants and offer a greater integration with Marcos.
Being in the Ashram is a rare opportunity to interact with the one who realized the Being in a perfect atmosphere for real meditation and silence.

No money for the ticket? Join us in the online Satsang ...

Check for open (free) Satsang meetings on Marcos Gualberto’s events calendar. It is a great opportunity to meet him and to find out if Satsang is for you.
How is the in-person event at the Ramanashram?
The closed event participants should arrive at the Ashram preferentially on the day before the event – between noon and 11pm – or on the day of the event – 90 to 30 minutes before the starting time (usually at 9am) – and they should leave the Ashram until 10 pm on the last day of the event. Contact us if you need to change your arrival / departure day or time.

To enter the Ashram, everyone (including children) must carry a photo identification document matching the data provided on the form. People missing the document or whose identification document do not match the information provided will not be accepted to the premises of the Ashram and will therefore not be able to participate in the event.

Generally, breakfast is served from 7 am to 8 am in the cafeteria. At 8:45 am, everyone is expected to be in the meditation hall waiting for Marcos, who arrives approximately at 9:00 am. Satsang stops during lunch time, from 12 pm to 1 pm, and returns from 3 pm to 6 pm. Dinner is served as soon as the meeting is finished.
Meals are included in the paid event fees. Breakfast includes several options, such as bread, butter, ham, cheese, fruits, eggs, couscous, hominy, among other options. To drink, juices, milk, coffee and tea are offered. For lunch and dinner, usually rice, vegetables, salad and one or two types of meat are served. In the early afternoon, next to the meditation hall, coffee, tea and cookies are served. There are lactose-free and gluten-free options – inform your needs in the registration form.
Comfortable and discreet clothing with a long trim should be worn. Shorts, short skirts, low-cut blouses or tights are not allowed outside the accommodations. It is not allowed to be naked or half naked in any common area of the Ashram, which includes the dorms.
The 3 house-rooms are equipped to accommodate up to 12 people each, usually separate by gender. They include bunk beds, pillows, lockers, air conditioning and hot showers. Please, bring your bed sheets, bath towel, soap, shampoo and toiletries.
In the Ashram, the consumption of illicit, hallucinogenic or alcoholic substances is prohibited. Smokers should check with the organizers to leave the Ashram for a smoke.
Participants cannot chat in the meditation hall. Outside the hall, you can talk normally, with moderation, except during meetings/retreats of silence, when absolute silence is required by Marcos.
Satsang is for all ages and children are welcome, although they can distract the parents during the event. The Ashram has no structure for the overnight stay of children under 3 years old. So, in the need to bring them, you will have to pay for your own accommodation, showing up at the Ashram for breakfast or up to 30 minutes before the event starting time.
As it is usually a great distraction, participants’ cell phones are collected on the first day morning of the event and returned as soon as it ends. If strictly necessary, the participant must inform the organizers the need to use it.
There are no rituals to be followed, but rather rules to live in community.  Those who have been with Mestre Gualberto for a long time usually stand up, press the hands together with the palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest (“Namaste” gesture), although not required.
Marcos Gualberto’s devotees use to play music, either in the presence of Marcos or during the event breaks. In certain occasions, Marcos himself offers the disciples the Grace of playing an instrument or of singing with everyone.
Filming, photography or audio recording is not is allowed inside the Ashram.
Shoes are not allowed in the meditation hall. The hall is equipped with regular upholstered chairs, meditation chairs and cushions, at your choice. After Marcos arrival, the Satsang follows a not preplanned course – there are neither prepared speeches nor pre-selected subjects.  Check on Youtube for some Satsang videos.
During the meetings, Marcos usually opens some time for questions and comments. Feel free to speak at these opportunities. No subject is so private and no problem is so serious that Marcos Gualberto has not already heard from his devotees and that he cannot help you to investigate deeply in yourself.

For more information, contact us: